Trainees and groups looking fresh! Including easy online sharing

In the last few months, we have improved several Warp Studio pages, beginning with media files and scenarios. Next, we gave the courses page a fresh look and now it is time for trainees and groups. And we have something special.

No sweat managing many trainees

We have drastically improved the trainee table in Warp Studio. Completely rebuilt from the ground up, the new layout of the trainees page is more user-friendly and quicker to access.

Warp Studio Trainees page
Fresh design for the Trainee page in Warp Studio

With the new layout, you can easily view a group of trainees or a specific trainee by using search and filter. Sort trainees by their name or last activity. See the groups they are and the number of attempts they did.

Also easily add new trainees one-by-one or import a large group at once. Whenever trainees are added through an LMS integration, we display that LMS in a specific column.

Make-over for groups

Groups in Warp Studio can be seen as our in-house Learning Management System. In case you are not using an LMS integration, you can use Groups to give trainees access to scenarios and courses.

As well as the trainees page, groups have been rebuild and given a fresh make-over for an improved user experience. Easily sort or filter groups. Add or edit groups and select the courses and scenarios trainees in that group have access to.

Easily share your group online

But that is not all. Although it is already easy to add trainees to groups and give them scenario access, we have made it even easier.

Public link settings for Groups in Warp Studio
Create a public link to easily share course and scenario access online

Let's say, you would like your students or employees to sign up themselves for certain scenarios and courses. Well, now you can. Easily create an online link to a group and share that link with your students or employees. For instance, easily add the link in your monthly newsletter, share in Microsoft Teams or any other communication platform. Trainees only need to leave their email address to get access. We call it 'Public links'.

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